Lawn Maintenance in Toronto

Get a confirmed job in minutes

A team of 2 landscapers can do one-time cleanups, grass cutting, leaf and debris clean up, pull dead plants and turnover, edge and trench gardens.

Questions about our rates? Learn more
For the first hour
For each additional hour$160
For the first hour
For each additional hour$160
Only $10/month, members get $25 off every job, and more benefits!

Where do you need a Jiffy?

Save $25on every Jiffy job
just for $10/month
Free Jiffy ice melter bucketsFree Jiffy yard bagsExtended warranty

Customers use this service for

doneFall & Spring Clean Ups
done Grass Cutting
done Hedge Trimming
done Mulching
done Weeding
done Planting
done Seeding
done Sod Install
doneAnd much more!

Not sure if this is the right service for you? Chat with us

How it works


Tell us what you need done and select a date and time that works for you.


Submit your job request and get matched with a Certified Jiffy Pro in minutes!


Chat with your Pro to discuss any further details before the job is set to begin.

Certified Jiffy Pros

All Jiffy Pros are insured, qualified and background-checked. Pros are highly rated by our customers and they must maintain a minimum 90% approval rating.
